
Monday, 31 December 2012


Merry 2013!

First day of the new year, babies up at 3.30am, first models painted hehe

Dreadball Referee & Balls
On with the Orx team in the next update, basecoats are nearly done so should be today or tomorrow.

Happy New Years!

One last post up for 2012, happy new years to everyone who reads and follows my blog!

Its been manic over the xmas period, i havent picked up a brush since my last post, i asked my girlfriend to marry me and she said yes, but we were in and out of hospital and the dentists as she had a tooth infection.

Hobby and workwise, ive started on Cymbeline's Orx team and Referee, i have the armour base coated on the players and the ref is nearly finished, but its time for bed, my babies have been waking up at odd times over the last few nights and i need my sleep :-(

Looking forward to the new year, i have a number of resolutions planned:

1) Fully paint a blindwater force to go with the farrow to the UK masters in may. This may be 50pts or 75pts, and could be 1 or 2 casters needed.

2) Paint every farrow release this year, 3-15 models, so shouldn't be too difficult.

3) Finish my spartan fleets to 1500pts minimum each, and add land to my CoA force. Not a massive task again.

4) Finish my Tohaa Infinity force to 300pts

5) Finish my Nuem Relics force to 300pts

6) Finish my Mantic: Kow Undead, Dreadball, Project Pandora.

7) Finish my Godslayer: Banebreed to 300pts, Halodynes to 160pts.

8.) Finish my Urban War: Triads to 750pts.

9) Expand Fanplasticlittlemen... Work in progress!

10) If these are done, then I can treat myself to the Cult of Yurei range for Bushido later in the year!

That should see me thru for a while to say the least, and i have a few clients looking to get models done in the new year so i hope to be busier than ever.


Monday, 24 December 2012

Cymbeline Games Dreadball Pt 2

The Trontek 29ers are finished! Unfortunately, The set was missing the hex bases that were one of the stretch goals from mantics kickstarter program, so i can photo them in base. My set did include the bases sowen i get my teams up they will all be based ready for action.

Close Ups

The Full Team


Again, more awesome toys from Mantic, minimal cleaning up was required, and all the arms fit into the sockets without greenstuff. Looking forward to the Orx now!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Cymbeline Games Dreadball: Trontek pt. 1

As i said in an earlier post, i have been commissioned to paint up the Dreadball demo set for Cymbeline Games. Im starting on the Corporation team first, the Trontek 29ers, as being a mostly metallic scheme, so i can get it done before my xmas dinner is ready hehe.

Stage 1: Basecoats
The full team is 4 strikers (left), 2 guards (center) and 4 jacks (right), they are identical sculpts so i'll just show one of each until the team is completed.
When these are done i have the Referee and the Greenmoon Smackers Orx team to do. They are a bit more involved so will wait till after xmas is done for them.
I have my own copy of dreadball so i will be getting my own teams done in the near future. As mine is not a demo set i have free run on colours, so expect the Galaxy Ace's and the Obliterator Orx to arrive early next year!
Ive had a brief run thru of the rules and it looks really good so far, the teams are quite balanced against each other and the league rules look entertaining. The Bunker will have its league on the go next year, and as the games are quick to play, we can get a league round done in a meeting and a whole league in 6 weeks easy.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Prepare for Nihilation!

After an epic few days ive finished my Nihilator unit for the Skorne army:

That takes me up to 45pts, which is more than enough to get started with. I need to learn how to use what i have before adding more stuff, and i have my lists planned for the 25 and 35pt levels so its all good.

My Girlfriend picked me up a whiteboard to write up all the stuff i still have to paint of my own, and the commissions i have in from Cymbeline Games's Dreadball set. Im starting on the Corporation team over the wkend. I have till 9th January to get both teams and the Ref done for delivery to the club.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

A World of Paena and Dedication

Today i found time to take part in a warmachine doubles tourney at the bunker, first outings for the skorne and i bagged myself a Judicator kill by the bronzeback hahaha.

I have also finished my Nuem starter box this evening:

Paenitentium Unit

Dolor Dedicatus

The Paens are conscripted criminals, forced out of their pain suits and given flails to go nuts with. The Dedicatus is an elite Nuem warrior, capable to barrelling into and destroying small units by himself! Im looking forward to getting these on the table in anger soon!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Something Special

The first of my starter set is done, the Specialis Pueri, its a crazy naked, feetless, masachistic halfling sorceress!

These are cracking models, well worth a look at the whole Relics range people.

Friday, 14 December 2012


A few mates have started up Relics, by Tor Gaming ( and as ive really liked the Neum range since it was first previewed last year on Beasts of War, i decided to get involved and get myself a Neum starter box and a faction dice and pouch set.


This is the army built and based, it consists of a Specialis pueri (The cloaked female), 3 Paenitentiam (The halfling flagellents) and a Dolor Dedicatius (The big guy!), and comes in at 97pts so is a good match for the other starters that my mates will be fielding.

The chains on the paen were, quite fittingly, a pain to fit together, i fixed mine all down for safer transport rather than all flailing about and extra fragile!

More to follow when they are finished :-D

Sunday, 9 December 2012


Arrived on saturday, courtesy of Phil at 4TK...

Bronzeback Titan

This bad boy weighs in at hefty 10pts, and is the premier beatstick of the Empire! Having faced them enough times at the hands of my mate Sherwin, im looking forward to unleashing it on to unsuspecting tabletops.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Skornergy is not an option!

Since my bloody babies have had me up since 3am today, ive had plenty of time to get some painting done... and these are the fruits of my labours hehe

Cyclops Shaman

Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor

This takes me up to 27pts, and i have a unit of Nihilators and a Bronzeback coming asap. Hopefully i'll be able to get them all done for a tourney up at 4tk on the 23rd!

Thursday, 6 December 2012


The latest addition to my growing Skorne force is completed, the Cyclops Brute. He will play a very important role in the army... casting safeguard on Morghoul so he cant be knocked down! That and taking the odd shooting attack with his shield guard ability hehe.

Cyclops Brute
More to come soon, the Cyclops Shaman and Orin Midwinter are both underway...

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Skorne Update: 15pts is ready for war

Finally finished the paingiver beastmasters to finish my first 15pts of skorne. I have a cyclops brute and shaman along with orin midwinter built and ready to go, hopefully i'll get them done in the next two weeks as we have a 25pt doubles tourney at the club and i fancy busting these out rather than my usual pigz.

Paingiver Beast Handlers

Below is a shot of my full 15pts all together, doing photos like these really help inspire projects and keep them going as you can see what you have done and what you have yet to do.
