
Saturday, 28 February 2015

Trollbloods: Whelps

Just a quick update today, a second set of Whelps:


Ive not had a lot of painting time this week and tonight im mostly watching the "Attack on Titan" series I got for my birthday haha

I have plenty of models about 50% done so more will be up tomorrow and Monday!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Trollbloods: Elemental Beasties

For today I have four of the elemental light beasties for my Calandra list:

Pyre Troll 2
Slag Troll 3
Storm Trolls
I will be going flat out on trolls till the end of February to get ready for the tourney, I have 16 to paint as a minimum but I may need to get another solo or two hahaha

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Wrath of Kings: Moar Dragon Legionnaires

These are the rest of my Dragon Legionnaires:


That's all 18 finished so I can start on some of the characters soon... The hobby butterfly in me has signed up to a tourney at Wayland in 3 weeks and I want to bust out my new Trolls for it so I will be back on them for a bit d'oh!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Wrath of Kings: Shael Han

My new project! A Shael Han force for Wrath of Kings, a game funded a year ago on kickstarter but now the backers are starting to receive their goodies. I didn't back the game as I had too much going on at the time but a few weeks ago a mate was interested in starting it up on release.

We downloaded the rules and studied the background and model range whilst checking ebay for unwanted pledges haha. We stuck gold when we found a Shael Han and a Nasier set going for sensible money so that was us set.

These are the first of range ive painted:


These are some Dragon Legionnaires, the basic rank 1 infantry unit. Individually they are a bit poo, but when grouped together and near their leaders they become quite formidable! Shael Han is a buff faction, I guess similar to pirates in warmachine, so you layer some awesome special abilities on to your troopers and go for the win.

The most surprising thing about the Wrath of Kings range is the material the models are made from, its like restic 2.0, there were only two models in my entire 40 man haul with sizable mold lines on their legs, and even these were straight forward to clean up.

With beautiful models and a decent looking rules set I have to recommend Wrath of Kings to anyone looking for a new system!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Trollbloods: Warlocks and Solos

Its taken so long to get the time this week for painting, I planned to have these four finished on Tuesday!

Calandra, Oracle of the Glimmerwood - Warlock
Madrak Ironhide - Warlock
Janissa Stonetide - Solo

Runebearer - Warlock Attachment Solo
That's it for Trolls for a while, my new project has arrived and im itching to get started tomorrow!!!!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Trollbloods: Warders ftw

This is my first proper melee unit for the army, Warders:


These are a proper badass unit, rock hard but slow at SPD4... until one gets damaged then they all get +2SPD, Pathfinder and +2ARM for the round!

I will be adding another unit of these and I already have a unit of Champions ready to paint soon.

Trollbloods: Whelps!

These diminutive little critters are what then full trolls spawn when they are damaged!


They can be eaten by trolls to heal damage and to remove excessive fury haha. In time I will be getting another pack of five as they count as solos which cost 2pts and can only be purchased as a five in your list.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Trollbloods: Krielstone Unit

Next up for the Trolls is the Krielstone unit:


These are probably the most iconic Troll unit in the game, forming a central part of most lists due to the standard armour buff and the range of optional improvements that the UA Elder adds each turn.
Since im planning a mostly elite force of 8 wound weaponmasters, this unit at a mighty seven models will be the largest in the force haha. 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Trollbloods: The start of something silly...

Veteran Warmachine players often have a small side project to run alongside their main factions, and this is mine... The start of a Trollbloods Calandria Evolutionary Elemental Tier list!

This tier rewards you for going nuts with the elemental light beasties making them cheaper and having advance deployment haha. Below is the fruits of todays labours:

Pyre Troll 1
Winter Troll
Slag Troll 1
Slag Troll 2
I'm planning on making an eGrissel list to partner it at events as it will use a lot of the same infantry, just swapping out all those lights for MULLLLLGGGGGGGG! and an Impaler!
More to follow soon hehe, I have to be quick tho as a special project is on route...

Friday, 6 February 2015

Joek Minis: Haephestus

Joek Minis have a new line of awesome models in production now called Odyssey, its loosely based on the ancient Greek stories but is set millions of years into the future!

This is the first of the range, released on preorder late last year and soon to go to general sale:

He's a big lad that's for sure, easily topping 70mm and then there's the scenic base I mounted him on! The next release will be Heracles, a 32mm model which will be on preorder very soon.

Check out Joe's facebook page for updates and news :-D

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Spotlight: Deadzone Plastics Review

Tom at Cymbeline Games recently passed me some of the new Deadzone plastics to have a look at and paint up a few for him:

First up is one of the Plague Zombies from the Apokalypse set:
This is a quality kit, lots of variation is possible within even a large unit so you can build every member uniquely. The kit comes with separate heads (Some with a helmet), torsos, arms and legs so you can build up dead Corp troopers and civilians to your hearts content.


Next up is a Forgefather in Forge Guard Armour:

These I have been waiting to see since they were first previewed in the Deadzone kickstarter and im not disappointed! The kit comes with separate shoulder plate, torso, arms, legs and gun. Most of the parts are completely interchangeable but a few are lettered up as they will only fit certain torsos etc. There is a variety of weapons provided such as big cannon attachments but I went for a simple machine gun for my demo model.

Lastly is an Enforcer in Peacekeeper Armour:

Peacekeeper Armour is bigger than the standard Enforcers and was first seen on the original metal Captain that I painted up a couple of years ago for Cymbeline Games also. Like the pervious kits there are plenty of build options for these with separate heads, torsos arms and legs, and again a few are lettered up. I left the mold line on the front leg to show how small they are and it only takes a few seconds to clean these newer plastics up.
These kits really do set a new benchmark for Mantic, the Kings of War zombies and skeleton's were for ages my favourites they make but these are a hole new level of awesome! When Warpath gets its revamp im sure it will be something quite special given how good the current Deadzone goodies are. 

Thornfall Alliance: Finally a 2nd Road Hoggy

Ive been putting this one off for ages as they are a pain to build but had to bite it in the end!

That's the last of my piggies done now, not sure when the next round of reinforcements will be as I have an exciting range of projects coming up hehe

Monday, 2 February 2015

Lord of the Rings Commission: Elf Characters

First commission of the year and its a new one for me in some lord of the rings minis! I never played this during the time of the films but always admired the minis and how accurate they were in portraying the cast.

Elladan & Elrohr
Elrond & Gil-Galad
More to follow as my client gets the rest of his force together :-D