
Monday, 27 July 2015

Wasteman: Of Glowmans, Toads, Dead people and tyres...

Today I have also finished up the next round of Wasteman minis from Thunderchild Miniatures!

Brain Toad
Badyear Boneyard
Dystopian Dregs
Lazy Bones
Jason's range of characterful minis are still a joy to paint and im always looking forward to my next order as we count down to the kickstarter shipping.
The basing on this is done as basic as can be as proper bases were done as part of the KS and will be fitted later... I think I ordered enough haha

Circle Orboros Commission: Kromac!

Busy busy today! My client managed to get one of those early release Kromac2's so I was really looking forward to painting him up:


Did a couple of his friends too, there is a Sacral Vault WIP too....

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Circle Orboros Commission: Gallows Groves

A few more pieces have come my way for this on going commission, first up here are a pair of Gallows Groves:


I wish I could get a tier list for my Gatormans that let me use these arc nodes!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Warmaster: Coldone Cavalry

Hold the press! Time to paint more stuff in two days! Never!


That's this phase of the project completed and ready to return to the client hehe

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Warmaster: Saurus Temple Guard

I just cant get a break recently with one thing or another...


I just hope I can finish off the Coldone Riders before Tuesday now!

Friday, 10 July 2015

Warmaster: Moar Skinks!

Well it wasn't a week but 5 days to get time to base these 6 units is still a ball ache!


This stage of the commission has 3 units of Temple Guard and 2 units of Coldone Cavalry to go then its back to some 28mm for a bit hehe

Monday, 6 July 2015

Warmaster: Skinks

Another week and another 6 measly bases painted... on the plus side tho my girls room is done, my boys computer games room is done and our office/painting studio is about 50% done!


I have the same again of this WIP so hopefully it wont be another week till they are done :-(