There are a few more greenies on order, one of the start collecting boxes, so i can fill out my force for one of battalions "Greenskins Big Mob"... more speed and extra attacks is all good!
Friday, 26 August 2016
Ironjawz! Orruk Warboss on Wyvern
Loved this model when released 16+ years ago but never had an Orc n Goblin army until now hehe, and luckily i found an unopened one on ebay for not an unreasonable amount of dosh:
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Ironjawz! Orruk Boyz Mob
Next up for my greenie hordes are a unit of Boyz:
Eagle eyed readers will only could 19 boyz here, this was an ebay bargain of one of the older brc boxes that only ever came with a helpful 19 models due to the sprue lay out... i have a start collecting box on order to round this up to a nice tidy 30 hehe
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Spotlight: Black Gate Miniatures 10mm Ogres Range
Black Gate Miniatures is a new venture by my mate and painting client Barry Pittman, co host of the awesome Warmaster.Podcast, a great listen not just on 10mm gaming but also banter and hobby content.
When Barry mentioned he was looking at producing some models and needing some concept art drawn, i put him in contact with Christian Schwager of Solitudo, who produced not only the art for my own range of minis but also for Tor Gaming's Relics.
Skip forward a few months and the art has been completed, and the initial Masters for a range of 10mm scale Ogres are back at Black Gates for casting:
From left to right we have an Ogre Warrior, an Armoured Ogre Warrior and an Ogre Cannoneer!
Casting has been completed for a test run of the minis to make sure they look great in the metal too:
The painting master that is Jon Webb of Sinister Squid Studios will be painting up the studio display casts and i shall be doing some for local promos and also painting up the completed army for Black Gate!!!
I received my first casts this morning, and will be posting updates as i get these completed along with a few more casts in the run up to the Kickstarter:
Ive mounted mine on individual bases rather than Warmaster style strip bases for ease of painting, and at 18mm high these will be great fun to do i hope to be able topresent some great painted minis at the end of the process.
More details on the KS and Black Gates plans for the range to follow over the coming weeks in the run up to the launch!
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Ironjawz! Shamans and Rock Lobbers
I'm steadily getting through my remaining Orruk & Grot minis, here's the latest additions to my growing Waaagh!:
A Pair of Rock Lobbers
Orruk Great Shaman
Grot Shaman
Im trying to get these finished as quickly as possible because A) I want to paint my Beastclaw Raiders, and B) A massive commission will be starting very soon and that will eat all my painting time for the near future!!!
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Wasteman: First Yeoman Minis finally painted!
My mate picked these up for me at Salute and ive finally got them painted... proper bad form on my part as they are wicked minis!
Troglamite Thug
Dwarven Adventurer
Yeoman is to Wasteman what Hordes is to Warmachine hehe, development of this suppliment is well on its way and Jason is hard at work on new concepts including cavalry:
This guy is one of several planned "Knights of Gnar", one of the main protagonist factions in the Benethverse and i cant wait for them, old skool chaos mixed with snail cavalry haha
Friday, 12 August 2016
Fear the Night: Dark Eldar Hellions and Shadow Destroyers
Small update on this, a couple of new releases from Onslaught Miniatures arrived a few days ago and i have a game booked in on weds against my regular Epic opponent who i know has just painted some more titans....
Shadow Destroyers
Hellion Cadre
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Spotlight: Thunderchild Miniatures & Mushroom Gaming Co.
A couple of wildly different projects to bring to you today but linked by the fact they are run by brothers haha. First up is a new service being developed by Thunderchild Miniatures:
You'll of course recognise these as parst of the Wasteman range, now is your chance to get models created in this great style at a great price too!
Next up is Fishy Tactics, a fun more traditional board game developed by Toby Fairclough and now on kickstarter... smashed its goal and going through the stretches:
Im looking forward to this as it will be a great little game to play with my three kiddies!
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Ironjawz! Rogue Idol of Gork
I managed to track down one of these sadly oop models on ebay a little while ago, it was misspelt so i didn't have to pay an arm and leg for it which was a bonus haha
He's an awkward git to photo, so this was the best i could do! There are other examples on the interwebz for a better view hehe
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Ironjawz! Arrer Boyz!
A proper blast from the bast now, how many of you remember these old plastic Orcs with boys from the 5th edition starter set???
Picked them up off ebay back in June but only just had a chance to work on them hehe