
Tuesday, 29 January 2019

A Song of Ice and Fire: Neutral Heroes

Here are all of the Heroes available in the Neutral Faction, some are currently only via the kickstarter and subsequent sales via ebay or trade groups:

Ramsey Snow (KS), Reek and Ramsey Snow

Brienne of Tarth, Roose Bolton and Bronn the Sell Sword

Lord Varys, Peter Baelish and The High Seneschal

Back to the units now, next up are the aptly named Bastard's Girls haha

Monday, 28 January 2019

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Flayed Men arrive!

Next up for my House Bolton force is a unit of Flayed Men, the most feared heavy cavalry unit in the game mwhaha:

The fact everything is preassembled is great, means i can get a unit from box to table in a few hours rather than it drag on for a few days!

Sunday, 27 January 2019

A Song of Ice and Fire: House Bolton - Our Blades are Sharp!

So, something new for me! One of my mates backed the CMON ks but then subsequently sold off everything bar his Lannisters... fast forward six months, i happen to watch a Guerrilla Miniature Games battle report on it and am now hooked haha.

Seeing what has become available i am immediately drawn to the House Bolton models, and some quick ordering sees a 40pt force on its way to me!

The first unit i have painted are these:

Bolton Cutthroats - Light Infantry

Dreadfort Captain - Unit Attachment

House Bolton forms part of the Mercenary/Neutral faction in the game and as such wont have such a wide pool of choices like the Lannisters or Starks etc, but with models as cool as these i dont care.

I have my first game booked in on the 13th so will be concentrating on painting up my force up in time for that... hopefully!

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Age of Sigmar: Abhorrent Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon

Back after another savage week of site work, i painted a coat or two on this each night before crashing out haha:

This beastie will be the general of my Court; natural toughness combined with the Majestic Horror command trait for a double summon of Courtier models is gravy!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Age of Sigmar: Abhorrent Ghoul King and Crypt Ghouls

Next round of reinforcements for my growing Court:

Crypt Ghouls

Abhorrent Ghoul King (Conversion)

I picked up a savage orc big boss to turn into a Ghoul King on foot, a head and blade swap with the vampire lord from the Zombie Dragon kit and a bit of greenstuff to create a new neck!

Monday, 14 January 2019

Age of Sigmar: Flesheater Courts return!

Yeah im crap at sticking to my plans haha, i've sold and traded in a few bits so have decided to have another go at a Flesheater Courts army, starting with this unit of Crypt Horrors:

Quite a different scheme from my last go, these are based off how i painted those Blackstone Fortress Ur Ghul last year. I was a big fan of the scheme and was looking for another project to do using it and these were a natural fit.

I'm basing my force around the contents of three start collecting boxes for speed and cost, but you can make a surprisingly effective army out of them:

1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon w/Majestic Horror trait 440pts

1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist w/The Grim Garland artifact 400pts

1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist 400pts

1 Crypt Haunter Courtier 140pts

10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts

10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts

10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts

6 Crypt Horrors 320pts

To this i will then add a pool of models to summon in using the Ghoul Kings command abilities:

1 Varghulf Courtier

1 Crypt Infernal Courtier

3 Crypt Flayers

3 Crypt Flayers

This can potentially put another 620pts worth of models into play hehe

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Lord of the Rings: Thranduil Elvenking

Taken a while! But here is Thranduil on horse and foot for my new force:

That's all the elves i have at the moment done but i will be adding a few more soon enough

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Lord of the Rings: Mirkwood Palace Guard Captains

Two OOP Palace Guard Captains for my force completed:

Not sure these guys will see masses of play as the army mostly works around its big three heroes hehe, but still nice to have.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Lord of the Rings: Starting up Halls of Thranduil!

Yep i've decided its high time i get a "Good" force for LotR, and i shall be going with the Mirkwood Elves of the Halls of Thranduil faction!

I picked up a couple of bits late last year at Warhammer World and im kicking off with Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood:

One of the big three staple heroes from the faction alongside Thranduil and Tauriel, more to follow soon!

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Age of Sigmar and New Years Day!


Missed out on my yearly look back as i was crippled with a migraine on Sunday, and we went to visit friends on Monday... still kept tradition of crashing out well before midnight tho haha.

Work has played a massive role in my painting this year, only 764 completed, my lowest since 2013, and its set to continue that way for the foreseeable future. This has lead me to take the difficult decision to close my commission service permanently... All requests will be passed on to a good friend of mine who has recently started up full time and is eager for work.

That being said i have managed to get these finished today to start my year rolling:

Last years resolution was a simple one: Decrease the lead mountain!

It sat at 676 on 1st of January 2018... and now sits at 383 whoop whoop, nearly halved it haha.

This year i think i will endeavor to try and half it again down to <200, and also to try and self fund my hobby addiction, starting with a big clear out of projects im never actually going to get started.