
Monday, 28 March 2022

Pike & Shotte: Irish Brigade Shotte Wings

 Back on to my Montrose now, here are the Shotte wings for my 1st Irish Brigade unit:

Hopefully will have the pikes finished by the end of the week!

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Gloomtrench 1926: British Rifles!

Gloomtrench 1926 is a new game coming out from Fickle Dice Games, a new company by Gavin Moorcroft of Tor Gaming and the superb Relics fame... still my favourite game and much lamented in passing!

Its set in an alternative timeline where thanks to esoteric technologies and the British Empire opening a portal to another dimension, World War One is still going.

These are the first unit that has been released and i was lucky to receive a preview stl file of the models and got them printed by a friend:

Awesome sculpts based off the fantastic Art of Schwager again, they printed up crisply and were an absolute joy to paint... i based my scheme off the uniforms in the film 1917!

Im getting another couple of squads printed so will be starting on them in due course... and roll on the release of the Holy Motherland of Rus hehe.


Thursday, 17 March 2022

A Song of Ice and Fire: Thornwatch and done!

 Here are the Thornwatch, the last of my current Baratheons for ASOIAF:

I used them yesterday and they were ok, they are able to get Loras in to enemy units easier than other Baratheon units for a cheeky expert dualist kill haha.

I got rid of the last few attachments earlier in the week as i cant see myself ever using them so for now this project is done!

Sunday, 6 March 2022

A Song of Ice and Fire: Rose Knights

 I've been working on these on and off all week and now finally completed:

Just the Thornwatch and a few attachments to go now!

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Bolt Action: US Airbourne Commission Pt7

 Finished this Flamethrower team for the existing BA army on Monday but only just had chance to post it: