
Tuesday, 28 March 2023

He-Man Miniatures Game: Masters Wave 3

 Next up are the Heroic Masters from the Wave 3 release:

Ive painted a Buzz Off before but my first go at a Man-E-Faces and i'm a big fan of the model!

Monday, 27 March 2023

He-Man Miniatures Game: Evil Warriors Wave 3

Having spent all the last two weeks either building stuff or playing Star Wars Legion it was nice to actually get some brush time so i finished up the last round of Evil warriors:

Hopefully ill have time to get the Masters Wave 3 completed this week too!

Monday, 13 March 2023

Star Wars Legion: Objectives, Supplies and Assets!

Got through all the various mission card mins and objectives etc., i decided to cheat with the scheme so that they wouldn't get lost amongst all the regular minis from peoples armies!

I have my first Legion event on Saturday at Ragnarök Hobbies in Gillingham, going to take the Imperial Remnant and really looking forward to it!

Monday, 6 March 2023

Star Wars Legion: Scout Troopers and Sniper Team

 Rounding out my Galactic Empire army is a second Scout Squad and Sniper Team:

I've painted them as best as possible to match the army I purchased, its not a 100% but its close enough and on my shelf they are good enough for me!

Sunday, 5 March 2023

The Men Who Would Be Kings: Paraguayan Cavalry!

Rounding out my 30pts force are a tasty unit of Regular Cavalry:

Now that this force is finished i can start planning out the Alliance army to oppose them hehe... a project for later in the year though!