
Wednesday 31 January 2024

Pacific Rim: Apex Drone

 I printed out another Kaiju Drone but this time i decided to paint it up as Apex from the superb Netflix show "The Black"

Its not quite an exact match but its close enough and portrays suitable menace haha

Tuesday 30 January 2024

The Old World: Chaos Heroes

Rounding out my next 500pt block are an Aspiring Champion with Battle Standard and an Exalted Sorcerer:

These AoS models fit perfectly fine on the new 30mm bases, and im looking forward to using them in a couple of games this week!

Sunday 28 January 2024

The Old World: Chaos Marauders

 Its been hard to find any decent painting time this last week but finally got this unit completed today:

I converted a load of cheap Khorne Bloodreavers with some ebay purchase flails and boom! All done... averting disaster on route as i had them finished earlier today but picked up a can of grey seer instead of varnish!

Monday 22 January 2024

The Old World: Chaos Spawn!

 Next unit complete for my chaos hordes is a block of four Chaos Spawn:

I decided to paint these in a roughly Slaanesh scheme as i will be running them with the Mark of Slaanesh for that sweet always strikes first hehe... too good to pass up! 

Although the escalation league continues, i'm ploughing ahead with my army as its nearly all built and i prefer to play fullypainted.

Friday 19 January 2024

Pacific Rim: Kaiju Drone

 My amazing wife got me a 3D printer for Xmas! And after setting it up i was itching to print something and then i remembered the Wave 3 models for the Pacific Rim Extinction game i picked up last year were all available as stl files as River Horse didn't make them as physical product. I figured id start off the collection with the Kaiju Drone and painted the first one up as one of the regular drones in the Uprising movie:

Done to match the style and level of the pre paints in the official product, i have a second one printed to do as Apex from the netflix anime Into the Black!

Thursday 18 January 2024

The Old World: Gorebeast Chariot and Month 1 Complete!

 I finished up this Gorebeast Chariot for my forces the other day but didn't get a chance to post it:

That completes the first months work of 500pts in our escalation league at the club, here's a pic of the whole section together... not a lot of models at 500pts for Chaos haha:

Monday 15 January 2024

Conquest: Death Chicken Objectives!

Quick one today to show the objectives i made for Conquest using the tourney prize death chicken models haha.

Had a fantastic days gaming of Conquest at the Southampton Sluggaz event on Saturday, and with two wins and a loss i came 7/18th which was superb!

Thursday 11 January 2024

The Old World: Chaos Sorcerer and Chaos Hounds

 Next couple of units for the force are done with an Exalted Sorcerer and a unit of Chaos Hounds:

Now to start a Gorebeast Chariot!

Tuesday 9 January 2024

The Old World: Returning with Warriors of Chaos

My club is running an escalation league for the next 6 months with the plan to run an event in July whoop!
I am going to be running Warriors of Chaos and here is my first unit:

10 Chaos Warriors with Halberds, beautiful AoS updated chaos models on glorious square bases haha! Amazing! Really looking forward to getting my teeth into this project now.