
Monday 19 August 2024

Conquest: Dweghom Wardens

 I've been working on these on and off for a couple of weeks, never having sufficient time to get stuck into them properly until today!

I have a second unit of these i plan on running at the upcoming LGT along with a big block of either Flame Berzerkers or Magmaforged... choices choices!

They are fast for Dweg with Spd6 and have plenty of attacks with cleave to dish out some hurt hopefully.

Sunday 4 August 2024

The Old World: Moar Forsaken!

 Second unit of these are now done:

When the muses take me i plan to go back to these units and add in some more details but for now i cant be arsed haha. 

Saturday 3 August 2024

The Old World: Forsaken

 First unit of Forsaken now finished:

I'd seen a few people use the Accursed Cultists from 40k as Forsaken and figured thats the easiest option for now... they look passible enough and match the scale of the AoS stuff i have been using rather than WFB. Another unit inbound!