
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Dream Warriors Assemble

My Army

1 Shaenre, Daïkinee Sentry - 33pts + 10pts
1 Numae, Daïkinee Guardian - 45pts + 10pts
1 Onentai, The Smuggler - 60pts + 10pts
1 Kaeliss the Silent - 33pts + 4pts
1 Kurujai, Daikinee Archer - 45pts + 10pts
1 Meari the Protector - 33pts + 8pts
1 Maneos, Scarab Warrior - 85pts + 20pts
1 Erhÿl the Wildcat - 76pts + 13pts
1 Kaeliss the Pariah - 79pts
2 Dream Warriors - 60pts

3 Daïkinee Guardians - 54pts
1 Daïkinee Standard - 15pts
1 Daikinee Musician - 15pts
4 Daïkinee zephyrs - 100pts
6 Scarab Warriors - 180pts
4 Daikinee Sylphs - 60pts
6 Daikinee Archers - 90pts

2 Mandigorn Warriors - 110pts

3 Sylvan Anime - 48pts
3 Sylvan Anime - 48pts

1269pts + 85pts

Cant wait to start painting that lot!!!!

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