
Thursday 28 June 2012

Renses on the Starboard Bow!

Took delivery of the new Rense Navy ships yesterday, beautiful models they are! I hope to get started on them tonight and have them finished by the end of the week.

The Fleet stands at:

1 Dreadnought - 230pts
1 Battleship - 175pts
1 Carrier - 110pts

2 Cruisers - 130pts
1 Heavy Cruiser - 80pts
4 Destroyers - 260pts

6 Frigates - 120pts
6 Escorts - 120pts


That gives me enough stuff for 500pt starter box games to begin with, then move up to add carriers and then 1000pt games.

I'll eventually want to add a few more cruisers to fill out the squadrons but that can wait for a bit!

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