
Saturday 22 September 2012

No rest for the wicked!

Ive been trying to step up my hobby into a business for some time with the help of my mates and its starting to bare fruition!

Having just completed a small commission for Cymbeline Games, and have further work in a month or so to paint up Tom's Dreadball set, i now have a commission from Fourtheknowledgegaming (, to paint up a Dark Vengeance set for them to demo with for when they move to new premises in November.

This is going to be a big project for me, and will leave little time for my own painting so its going to be a lot of Chaos and Dark Angel related updates over the coming weeks.

Many painting services offer very high quality works, one of the best around is flare miniature painting (, Darren is quite simply amazing, and has taught me a fair amount, and the change in my standards is noticable over the last year.

I cannot paint to this professional standard, but i can complete good quality gaming standard armies in good time, this is something that helps me to stand apart from other services and offer something different.

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