
Thursday 13 September 2012

Partners in Crime

Fanplastic Little Men has its first commission!

My good mate Tom Pugh of Cymbeline Games ( has asked me to paint up his Enforcers from Mantics Warpath game for him to demo and display with.

I have been given free range on paint scheme, i jokingly said how about Iron Man and he said hell yeah... so, Iron Man it is haha.

Cymbeline Games can supply a large range of games and hobby supplies, and Tom is more than willing to put in the legwork to source stuff from "outside the box", and can often get Mantic stuff ahead of time... My son jacob recieved his warpath several weeks early as Tom told Ronnie it was for his birthday!

I will also be painting up his demo set of Dread Ball teams, and will be posting up early pics and a good review of this awesome game in due course.

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