
Sunday 28 September 2014

Better late than never... again!

The summer was a very busy period for the family with getting married, missus starting a new job and the holiday to Clacton (woohoo!) so the june update was kind of forgotten :-(

Since April ive painted nearly 400 models, about 50/50 for myself and clients so im eating through my own lead mountain finally haha. I have two more commissions booked in for the year; a blood bowl team to start after the Pigz are painted, then a rather large AvP resin horde when that KS delivers to the client.

Speaking of KS's, ive backed a few over the last few months; Infamy, Darklands, Relics and now Bascus... Most of next years toys will be from kickstarters paid this year so im hoping it will be a cheap year!

Another report and best wishes at the end of 2014 Brush Brethren!

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