
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi: Getting bigger!

Time for some of the bigger Capital ships now:

Battle Cruisers


Monday, 27 April 2015

Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi Commission

Recently I was contacted with the view to paint up a largeish Dindrenzi fleet for Firestorm Armada. My client had a great scheme in mind but we tried out a red aswell as the yellow below on a couple of cruisers to see which worked the best:

Cruisers 1
Cruisers 2
Rense Cruisers
The remaining nine ships are Gunships, Carriers, Battle Cruisers and bigger haha, so there is about as much to paint up again!

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Salute: The boys first trip!

Yesterday was Salute, that magical day in the calendar for gamers when they get to wander round a big hall playing games and buying all kinds of new shiny to add to the lead pile haha. This year was a bit different for me as I was taking Jacob rather than demoing!

We got there for opening and decided to get the bulk of the shopping done early and out of the way, so we both were carrying around a good haul; him with some new additions to his Everblight army and a new Dreadball team, and me with the new SAGA Revenants warband and second part of my Twilight kickstarter with the Kedashi Swarm of Frenu and the latest releases from Infamy Miniatures.

With this out of the way it was time for some games:

First up was Lords of War
We had a couple of games of this awesome card game, met and had a good chat with Martin who runs Black Box Games... Jacob was in his element but sadly for him it was Dad 2 Cobby 0 mwhaha
Next up was a quick trip over to the excellent Bunker demo game of X-Wing and Dave's trench run board... We ended victories has a beaten up Y-Wing was able to fire the torpedoes down the exhaust for the win:
Dropzone Commander caught his eye and we got to fight against one another in a starter box demo run by one of the Talon's demo team:

Our close fought game ended in a draw and it was a lot of fun to play so expect some more DZC to appear on the blog in the future...
We stopped by Spartan Games to have a look at the new HALO game. These first two pics are of a show table that had more of the larger ships like that Covenant Heavy Cruiser for display and the Spartan designers were on hand to chat and go through things:

These next two are of the demo table they were running which looked like it was starter box contents:

The day was getting late so a quick stop by GCT for a catch up with the guys and to have a browse of the minis for Rise of the Kage, a few unreleased minis in the cabinet and quite a bit of the Tengu art:

Naturally you will see these all on the blog upon release :-D
All in all another great day out, catching up with old friends, buying too many toyz and playing loads of games so what more could you ask for!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Relics: Scenario Terrain!

Blast from the past as I have a few days before the next job comes in so Im gonna do a few bits that have been sitting around for a while:

This is the portal and pillars funded as part of the Gamingfunder campaign last year, and I have the rest of my Nuem force halfway through painting hehe

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

WFB End Times Commission: Characters

Next up for this project are a couple of characters to lead the force:

Anointed of Asuryan 
Battle Standard Bearer
There will be more on this project in a few weeks time as we source some more parts for the next stages :-D

Monday, 20 April 2015

Wasteman: Painting the Wastelands

First off a big shout out to my mate Sherwin for his help in painting the basecoats and teaching me the kung fu of decent rust effect on Saturday. I have been able to get the rest of the rust done in about an hour today with all the paints drying really quickly in the sun!

The blighted rad dunes are still WIP but the basics are done and they are playable haha, roll on November and the rest of the range!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Warmachine: Khador Commission

A new member of the Chelmsford Bunker wanted some help with painting her fledgling Khador force for warmachine so she asked me to paint up her Battlebox so she could get started with some small games before progressing to the standard 50pts games the vets play:

Warcaster Sorscha

Friday, 17 April 2015

WFB End Times Commission: Phoenix Guard & Archmage

Next up for this project is a unit of 24 Phoenix Guard led by an Archmage:


I have been working on these as work permitted over the week but never had a decent stretch at it until yesterday evening when I was able to complete them ;-D

Next up for this project will be a Battle Standard Bearer and an Anointed Hero... then there is talk of something large, scaly and that may breath fire haha

Monday, 13 April 2015

Spotlight: Lords of War Elves vs Lizardmen Expansion

The guys from Black Box Games have just put the expansion to the Elves and lizardmen set on kickstarter and its funded in just 3 days!!!

Regular readers will know that my son and I love Lords of War, he was over the moon when I told him it had funded and he cant wait to get the new cards and try and crush my dwarves haha.

We did a review of the previous expansion and the original Elves v Lizardmen which can be found here for new readers.

Well a new set needs new cards, and Nick and Martin from BBG have sent me over a digital copy of the cards and artwork show off some previews:



Both the decks are greatly enhanced by these additions, making the them do more of what they did before, and the magic users for these races are very characterful and deadly... seriously, if your playing as a dwarf kill them asap haha.

Every end of term my son Jacob has taken LoW to school and taught his mates how to play, and recently some of there parents (Heathen non gamers!) have asked about picking up some sets hehe, Jacob wants me to run a tourney for his birthday later in the year so that will get a blog too.

lords of War is awesome, back it!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 10 April 2015

Circle Orboros Commission: Una the Falconer

Dealing with grumpy kiddies stopped me posting this last night:


This marks the end of this phase of the project, my client is a pressganger so has been saving his reward points up from demos and events to order in a new batch of Satyrs and Griffins in the near future hehe

Circle Orboros Commission: Reeves of Orboros

An early shoot from work today has borne forth these reeves of Orboros:


Una is on the way next, curse the kiddies for needing dinner haha

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Circle Orboros Commission: Druid Gone Wilder

Next up for this project is the Druid Gone Wilder, the Con/Web exclusive version of the standard Druid Wilder:


These exclusives are all beer themed and are hilarious additions to your army, my client has the regular version already but wanted this to bust out too.

Not too many more minis left in this part of the project, 6 Reeves and Una the Falconer are all that remain... for now hehe

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Wasteman: Municipal Merchants

I had these just about finished this morning before work but the basing hadn't dried in time!

Here's Trader Penny displaying her latest salvage with her trusty hired help Jonno totting a machine gun to keep unwelcome muties away haha.

This is the last of my current selection of Wasteman minis but more will be following soon ;-D

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Wasteman: Mutie Brute!

Finished the last couple of bits on this big boy this morning:


I really meant to get him and the traders (Still WIP) finished before the end of the Wasteman kickstarter but alas the world was against it. In the last few hours of the campaign not only did we fund it but smashed through a load of stretch goals haha:


November cant come quick enough!