
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Salute: The boys first trip!

Yesterday was Salute, that magical day in the calendar for gamers when they get to wander round a big hall playing games and buying all kinds of new shiny to add to the lead pile haha. This year was a bit different for me as I was taking Jacob rather than demoing!

We got there for opening and decided to get the bulk of the shopping done early and out of the way, so we both were carrying around a good haul; him with some new additions to his Everblight army and a new Dreadball team, and me with the new SAGA Revenants warband and second part of my Twilight kickstarter with the Kedashi Swarm of Frenu and the latest releases from Infamy Miniatures.

With this out of the way it was time for some games:

First up was Lords of War
We had a couple of games of this awesome card game, met and had a good chat with Martin who runs Black Box Games... Jacob was in his element but sadly for him it was Dad 2 Cobby 0 mwhaha
Next up was a quick trip over to the excellent Bunker demo game of X-Wing and Dave's trench run board... We ended victories has a beaten up Y-Wing was able to fire the torpedoes down the exhaust for the win:
Dropzone Commander caught his eye and we got to fight against one another in a starter box demo run by one of the Talon's demo team:

Our close fought game ended in a draw and it was a lot of fun to play so expect some more DZC to appear on the blog in the future...
We stopped by Spartan Games to have a look at the new HALO game. These first two pics are of a show table that had more of the larger ships like that Covenant Heavy Cruiser for display and the Spartan designers were on hand to chat and go through things:

These next two are of the demo table they were running which looked like it was starter box contents:

The day was getting late so a quick stop by GCT for a catch up with the guys and to have a browse of the minis for Rise of the Kage, a few unreleased minis in the cabinet and quite a bit of the Tengu art:

Naturally you will see these all on the blog upon release :-D
All in all another great day out, catching up with old friends, buying too many toyz and playing loads of games so what more could you ask for!


  1. Looks like you both had a great time.
    I wish I could have been there as well, but with the youngest being only three weeks I couldn't do it.
    Must be great fun to be able to share your hobbies with your son.

    1. It is yeah, I gradually getting him into playing the more complex games like warmachine after starting off with kings of war and relics hehe.

      I ran out of cash for your herder queen but it will be a purchase in the near future :-D

    2. I find myself buying or looking at RPG's to play with kids these days. But I think WoT and Relics are indeed nice starter games.

      Working with Mike on the herder queen was an amazing and fun experience and I'm very pleased with how she turned out. I look forward to see your take on her.

      Perhaps we meet over a few years when I bring my oldest son (he's 5 right now) :-).

    3. Aye that would cool, get a game in at salute hehe

  2. Glad you and the lad had a good day. Was great I got to say hallo bumping into you in such a large crowd.

    1. Aye it's been too long! Will be good to get some games in at the expo tho hehe

  3. Thanks for the photos! Looks like halo is pretty similar to attack wing or xwing!

    1. I've not played either but have seen some of the guys at the club play it and it seems a lot nearer to that than firestorm yeah
