
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Unleashing the Ito: Yuui and the Vipers

Its been nearly 6 months since I painted an Ito model, these I picked up on their releases but only just got round to sorting something out for them:

Yuui Ito
Shimogama Vipers

Blood Bowl: Chaos Dwarf Team Commission

A nice quick job for a mad Pittsburgh Steelers fan haha:


Chaos Dwarf Blockers
Hobgoblin Linemen
Bull Centaurs

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Guildball: Union part deux


Back from an awesome week in Centerparcs with the family but itching to get some painting done hehe, so here's the last of my Union team painted up this afternoon:

Blackheart - Captain
Avarice & Greed
I am really tempted to add the rest of the Union line up to my collection but they will have to wait a while as I have quite a few more projects lined up over the coming weeks!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Guildball: Union Players

Finished off these additions to my Union team today:

Coin - Mascot
Ball Token

This just leaves Blackheart, Avarice and Greed who will have to wait till im back from holiday with my horde haha


Saturday, 16 May 2015

Conspiracy of the Cult: Full Faction!

These are the last three Cult of Yurei minis I needed to get my second full faction after the Ito (Still have their last couple of releases to paint up!), and I think they are some of my favourite's yet:

Kairai Villager
Kusatta Kairai
Just a couple of Ito snakes to go on Bushido and im back up to date. The next faction, the Tengu Descension is out very soon as is the Rise of the Kage board game... I have that and the metal ninjas coming so late summer will be a great time for painting my favourite range!

WFB End Times Commission: Bolt Throwers

Quite literally haha, two High Elf Bolt Throwers:


My client is undecided on how we will make the crew for now as he plans to use a mixture of high and dark elf warmachines, so a combined kitbash crew will be constructed further down the line.

Of Wastemen and Warmachines...

First of several posts today; finished of my latest order of Wasteman minis and a second Feralgeist for my Blindwater:

Mantis Man
FIDO 5000
Creature Feature Comforts
Feralgeist (Blindwater)

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Guildball: Flint & Mist

This is me up to date with my Guildball stuff... until tomorrow haha when I get a few more Union Players delivered. First up is Flint from the Masons:


Then this is Mist, the Union player I selected as my freebie for backing the kickstarter last year:

Guildball: Masons

Over the last couple of days I have got through quite a chunk of my Masons team for Guildball:

Honour - Team Captain

Marbles - Mascot
Ball and Goal
I have Flint and a Union player Mist on the go at the moment, and a few more union players on route for tomorrow. In addition to these I have some resin columns coming to make my own goal rather than the flat disc that is provided in the starter box

Monday, 11 May 2015

WFB End Times Commission: High Elf Hero

A small update on this as I wait for a big order to come in:


I have a Bolt Thrower to do for this project very soon then it will be a bit of a wait as more bases have to arrive!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Warmachine and Hordes: Two sides of the coin

Double header this morning with a Warmachine model and a Hordes model:

First up is Gudrun the Wander for my Thornfall Alliance army, a crazy drunken Ogrun who is pretty hard to kill as he staggers about the field!

Next is Vindictus, a Protectorate of Menoth Warcaster. This isn't the official model fpr him tho, I converted one from the menoth journeyman body with Vindictus's arms and head. Its a lot better than the original and I will have a caster if I ever decide to go down the god boys route in the future.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Conspiracy of the Cult: Yama Uba

Another quick Bushido update for my Cult force, this is Yama Uba:


She is a demon that stalks the battlefield disguised as an innocent Geisha until your ready to strike! When the reveals herself the gloves really come off, one of her abilities is that she can copy abilities of models in b2b with her haha.

With her, Penanggalan and Ikiryo that's a solid core of dangerous ladies, and throw in Harionago, kairai villager (Dead lady) and Taka (Little girl) you can make a whole 50 rice force with a couple of special cards... One to try in the eternal struggle against Sherwins STS me thinks.

Searforge Commission: Brun & Lug

I don't know about you guys but I love revisiting old projects and giving them a new addition... just like my small Searforge force for Warmachine. I picked up Brun Cragback and Lug from a facebook seller BNIB for a bargain price that couldn't be refused so I snapped them up:


I still have plenty more to add to this army, I reckon im about 50% through the total available choices, and with the hotly anticipated battle engine due to come out with the Reckoning Book its never been a better time to pick up some Dorfs!

Lords of War: One last hurrah!!!!

Well well well, as I type Lords of War by Black Box Games has around 11 hours to go on the latest kickstarter campaign and it has certainly done well!
I would love to have backed this with a mega pledge as its such an amazing game but I already have all the existing sets hehe, so we are in for the expansion pictured above.
Now that's not all tho, due to the phenomenal success of the campaign our 10 pound pledge will net us the following too:

61 cards to further expand and customize our decks so Jacob and I can field exactly what we want in the on going struggle to be the best in our house hahaha
Seriously tho, its an incredible deal and if your still on the fence check out the how to play vids and snap up this great little game... you wont be disappointed!
Also, I shall be attending the Lords of War tourney at the UK Expo so expect a full write up of that along with a hopefull an interview with Martin and Nick!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Gatormans: Sacral Vault!

Apologies for then lack of updates this week but I have been rather busy painting up this bad boy:


The Sacral Vault is arguably the best battle engine in the game and is a fantastic centerpiece for my Blindwater army :-D

Monday, 4 May 2015

Conspiracy of the Cult: Souta & Sloth

Its mad that its been four months since I painted a bushido model haha, good to be busy tho and when I got a spare hour or so yesterday I painted up these two:


Hopefully I will have a bit more time this coming week to get through a few more of my own minis too.

Circle Orboros Commission: Part Two Finished!

These last four minis complete this stage of the project:

Tharn Whitemane
Wold Guardian 2
Shadowhorn Satyr
Riphorn Satyr
Just have to convince my client to try some of the more spamable tier lists now hehe