
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Conspiracy of the Cult: Yama Uba

Another quick Bushido update for my Cult force, this is Yama Uba:


She is a demon that stalks the battlefield disguised as an innocent Geisha until your ready to strike! When the reveals herself the gloves really come off, one of her abilities is that she can copy abilities of models in b2b with her haha.

With her, Penanggalan and Ikiryo that's a solid core of dangerous ladies, and throw in Harionago, kairai villager (Dead lady) and Taka (Little girl) you can make a whole 50 rice force with a couple of special cards... One to try in the eternal struggle against Sherwins STS me thinks.


  1. I was already eying her, as I really like the model and rules. Nice list you put her in, curious how it would fare.
    You did a great job on her too!

  2. I think it would do ok, it has enough bodies to play scenario, the wrath and villager can do a job holding up enemy chaff and yama or penangglan will cause problems for low kii models.

    Ikiryo is always dangerous and harionago is fast enough to go for idols and prayer runs.

    My villager and hari are on order so will try it out soon!
