
Sunday, 27 September 2015

Infamy Miniatures: Flower Girls and Princess Outis

A nice surprise greeted me yesterday as the first part of my Infamy KS pledge arrive at the door!

I went in very deep on this one as i love James's existing range and have been a big supporter of his over the last couple of years... Lets just say it was a big old box, and another equally big old box is still to arrive hahahaha.

First up are the Flower Girl and Princess Outis which i picked up at Salute but have been saving them till the rest arrived:

Flower Girl

Princess Outis

I have the next six assembled and sprayed on the paint station waiting to go, I have about a week on these till i have to start the Infinity commission so expect to be sick of victorian steampunk minis by next weekend :-D