
Thursday, 3 March 2016

Twilight: The Casanii are coming!!

Yep on the 16th of March Twilight Miniatures are launching a new kickstarter campaign to fund a full faction of the awesome Casanii models to the game.

Up till now the Casanii have only been represented by the above single scout model but many more are on the way, including this fine chap previewed on the facebook page yesterday, painted by the excellent Joe Karame:

More previews are promised over the next two weeks, and i will be supporting the campaign as i did last time around, this time with regular painting updates of my existing forces yeah!


  1. I'm a bit out of touch with the game, but I'm sure going to support this. Thanks for the update!

    1. Me too, ive been flat out for the last year but I've put the breaks on a lot of commission work this year to get my own stuff done and Twilight is high on the list!
