
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Moonstone: Firespitter and Baron Von Fancyhat arrive!

A pleasant surprise awaited me when i got home from work today, my Firespitter and Baron Von Fancyhat arrived from Gobling King Games;

First class packaging, great artwork and the minis are well protected with foam inlays. I really love the art for the game, and the full cover works on the boxes will be great to use as a painting guide.

On to the minis themselves and both come with the full stat cards for the game, and also instructions for Firespitter and a use of resin leaflet for new modelers.

Last is the models built, and i cant wait to get started on them! the ks cant start soon enough!

Over the coming weeks i will have a painting post up and hopefully a small battle report using the paper stand ins.

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