
Sunday, 2 July 2017

Wasteman: The last hours of the Mega Mutie Mercs Kickstarter

Clock is ticking, there are about 5 hours remaining on this excellent little project!

Goals have been smashed left, right and centre and its powering on to 6,500 pounds!

Currently we are aiming for this awesome Plightrider, visible here

Starting with an inital selection of Nine great models, we have added a further 18 models and the 5 creator backer models which will hopefully be available to everyone to purchase in time yeah!


  1. I got some last minute add-ons as Jason kept on spewing out some great ideas for miniatures 😁.
    Good to see this KS was so succesfull, this will no doubt help the game grow.

    1. Aye those communist pugs will be great hehe.

      Just putting the finishing touches to my haramborg stuff then it's on to the original behemoths

    2. Are, these pugs and the blightrider are great.
      I still need to get to Haramborg as I'm currently preparing for a game with the kids. I also want to pick up at least the rad dragon too.

    3. They are great fun to paint up, will have photos up soon
