
Saturday 21 October 2017

Paranoid Miniatures: The Wild Born of Mythos

I've been working on these other the last few days; The Wild Born faction for the game Mythos by Paranoid Miniatures:

Dorothy Good - Leader

Mercy Good

Blood - Familiar

The Goat


The whole force ready for battle!

I first discovered these guys at Salute in 2016, i picked up their first model, The Sea Queen, and painted her on the blog around that time too. The guys ran a successful kickstarter campaign and delivered the pledges over the summer.

A friend of mine saw the models on display at the Colchester Games Fair a few weeks ago and wanted to pick some up so there was the impetus for me to pick up my own force and get some games in!  

We have both painted our forces and have our first game booked in for wednesday! The rules are pretty simple generally 2D6+Stat vs 2D6+Stat, with models having two action points (3 for leader) to move and fight and interact with scenario pieces. I will get some photos taken and post them up :-D

1 comment:

  1. Lovely miniatures and an excellent paintjob to boot.
    After seeing these I might check out the game somewhere in the future.
