
Friday, 22 December 2017

Lord of the Rings: Azog and his Legion

The recent release of Battle Companies has got a few more people at the club playing, so i thought what better time to pick up some much needed reinforcements for my Gundabad force:

Azog on White Warg

Gundabad Orc Captain

Gundabad Orc Warband with a Banner

I have a box of Fell Wargs coming hopefully next week, im going to split them with a mate as i only need one for if Azog dismounts from it, so will get that sorted as soon as i can.

I definitely want to add one of those cracking trolls from Forgeworld to my force thats for sure, then i will get a few games in before picking up more stuff as its then a case of more of the same until Forgeworld makes the last few bits of the army haha. 

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