
Sunday, 29 July 2018

Lord of the Rings: Gundabad Berzerkers and Goblin Mercenaries

These boys get their place in the painting queue finally haha:

Gundabad Berzerkers

Goblin Mercenaries

Goblin Captain

This gives me nine Berzerkers to play around with, im going to pick up another three in time so i can field a full warband of twelve in bigger games. The Goblins have an interesting deployment option of being able to infiltrate on to the board if they can fit in a terrain feature like a wood or ruin etc so im looking forward to giving them a go! 


  1. I like the sinister dark look on them. The skintone also makes them look a bit sickly. Nicely done mate!

  2. Cheers, aye im a big fan of the Gundabad aesthetic, and they look fantastic when down on the board too
