
Monday, 15 October 2018

Nightvault: The Eyes of the Nine

My first warband for the Nightvault season of Warhammer Underworlds:

Blue Horror, Brimstone Horrors and Vortemis the All-Seeing

Turosh, Narvia and K'Charik

Having recently finished off and sold my Nighthaunt i was reluctant to jump back into Underworlds with more of them so this Tzeentch band was a logical and interesting choice.


  1. Nice, especially the Tzaangor in the middle. The only thing I would add is a light drybrush on the bases. They're a bit too 'not stone like' imho.

  2. Cheers bud, the light doesnt work properly to show the many layers of drybrush on those bases already haha
