
Monday, 25 March 2019

Bolt Action: Hungarian Armour

A couple of tanks so far today:

Toldi 1 - Light Tank

Turan 2 - Medium Tank

The Royal Hungarian army was supported by a full range of armour of its own design rather than supplied by Germany, and to me this was a big part of the appeal in choosing the force for the game!

Both these tanks are from Mad Bob Miniatures, a fantastic small company that supports many of the minor powers for 28mm war gaming. These were 2/3 piece resin with minimal flash, few mould lines and now bubbling, and are highly recommended! Im going to be picking up a few more vehicles as my army grows.


  1. These tanks are brilliant.
    If only Bolt Action would allow more of these in a force :).

  2. There are rules for tank platoons available as an army selection, will get there one day but at the moment Hungarian tanks are only available from the one manufacturer so getting 5/6 will be expensive in one go!
