
Thursday, 9 May 2019

Age of Sigmar: Charnel Throne

Finished off the Flesheater Courts terrain piece yesterday, the Charnel Throne:

Not a mega fan of the model but I think its come up well though!


  1. I'm not a big fan of the faction specific terrain rules and many of the pieces are also a bit 'meh'.
    This one too doesn't really strike me as a 'must have' model.

    Given the titel of the thing I would splatter some more blood on there 😉.

  2. To get the best out of it you need to spam either Archregents or Ghoul kings on foot as only they will get the free summons from it... the bravery debuff is largely irrelevant as fec hit hard enough to wipe out most things and they aren't tough so are likely to get smashed in return

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