
Thursday, 16 April 2020

Wasteman: All of the Swyne!

Next up on this are all of the Swyne (Pigmen) from the pile:

Iron Ham

Porkchop and Truffles

Gammon Skull-Snacker and Cookie

Blitz, Filthy, Git and Krieg

Next to cross our path through the wastes is a certain band of worker collective based canines...


  1. You did get a lot of practice with pigs already :). Like the whole bunch though Pork chop looks a bit like WIP.

    1. I couldnt get his skin to go how i wanted to, im down to about a third of a pot of agrax earthshade so im having to use reikland fleshshade and seraphim sepia on many models and they arent as good in most cases :-(
