
Saturday, 20 June 2020

Black Powder: Portuguese Line Battalion

I've been working on these as time has allowed for a week or so and finally completed them this morning:

As with the Cacadores and Artillery, i've gone for historically inspired rather than fully accurate, i have missed off the piping as to a non-buff its a route of painting madness im not prepared to go down.

They do look cool all ranked up and i cant wait to get a larger force painted up and on the table... i definitely see the appeal of Napoleonic era gaming now! 


  1. Units like these are exactly what I was thinking about when I read your first post about the project. Not for me, but I can't deny that it looks mighty impressive. Excellent work!

    1. Cheers, i never fancied doing it till i stumbled across a battle report on youtube by "7th Son".

      He plays a two brigade game against his wife and it made it look really fun, far better than i imagined! The units do look really cool all ranked up tho hehe
