
Friday, 28 September 2012

That's Savage!

Work continues on the Skorne Warpack, i have completed the first Cyclops Savage this evening. If i take up Skorne as an army im not sure how much play these guys will get but they are really nice to paint up none the less.

Its one of my mates stag parties tomorrow so im not sure how much i'll get done over the weekend hehe

Thursday, 27 September 2012

A New Power Rises...

Im finishing of odd bits and bobs before i recieve the Dark Vengeance set from 4tk, and one of the things i have to get done is the plastic Skorne Warpack i bought a while ago. First up is the Titan Gladiator

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

We aint no Peppa Pig!

Ive finally broke my Menoth duck!

Tonight i had two games with my pigs against Menoth at the bunker, first was Lord Carver vs the Harbringer, and second was Dr Arkadius vs eKreoss.

I'd not fought the Harbringer before but knew what she could do, my opponent feated on turn 2 (too early as i reckon i was out of charge range anyway), i backed off slightly but moved Rorsh n Brine upto the edge of her control zone. On my turn 3 i spanked his jacks with hogs and ended the turn with Brine one shotting the bint with his face hahaha.

Game 2 was a long slug fest, only my opponents bad rolls kept me in as he slowly wore down my forces until only Dr A and a couple of damaged beasties were left surrounded. We ran out of time but i was gonna die next turn so happily conceeded the win.

Good times tho, but its uncharted seas next week...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

No rest for the wicked!

Ive been trying to step up my hobby into a business for some time with the help of my mates and its starting to bare fruition!

Having just completed a small commission for Cymbeline Games, and have further work in a month or so to paint up Tom's Dreadball set, i now have a commission from Fourtheknowledgegaming (, to paint up a Dark Vengeance set for them to demo with for when they move to new premises in November.

This is going to be a big project for me, and will leave little time for my own painting so its going to be a lot of Chaos and Dark Angel related updates over the coming weeks.

Many painting services offer very high quality works, one of the best around is flare miniature painting (, Darren is quite simply amazing, and has taught me a fair amount, and the change in my standards is noticable over the last year.

I cannot paint to this professional standard, but i can complete good quality gaming standard armies in good time, this is something that helps me to stand apart from other services and offer something different.

Enforcer Project Completed

I have completed the Enforcers for Cymbeline Games, in quite proud how they have turned out :-D

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Stage 4 - Highlights

I used the new wildrider red and a steady hand to do the hardlining on the armour plates, and auric gold for the legs/arms section. The eyes were done in celestia grey, with pallid flesh points, as was the powersword on the squad leader.

I have the bases to complete for sure, and im debating another targeted highlight on parts of the armour, but dont know what to use to avoid it looking silly, any suggestions guys?

Monday, 17 September 2012

Daikinees a gogo haha

My inital 400pts list is fully painted now, i'll be getting some games in using this setup for a while to see if i need to change anything around, it won its first game and im quite happy with it so far.

Dream Warrior



Stage 3: Basecoats done!

Ive completed all the basecoats and given the squad a wash of earthshade. I will do the tidying up in the next stage with the first highlights.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Banshee's Wail

A quick update for my Bone Griffon's fleet, i got these two Banshee's in ready for a big game at the Bunker in early October vs my mate Rich and his dastardly orcs!

That puts my fleet over 1000pts, plenty for our game but i have my eye on another battleship, 2 more Banshee's and a squadron of heavy cruisers to round it out at 1500pts in the end. 

Stage 2: Redwork and Silver

Finished it inital mecharite red and leadbelcher silver base coats... would do more but the misses is watching "Touch" and its quality haha

Friday, 14 September 2012

Stage 1: Earthshade Wash

I have assembled, undercoated and given the squad two coats of earthshade wash so far. These are cracking models, some of Mantic's best for sure!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Partners in Crime

Fanplastic Little Men has its first commission!

My good mate Tom Pugh of Cymbeline Games ( has asked me to paint up his Enforcers from Mantics Warpath game for him to demo and display with.

I have been given free range on paint scheme, i jokingly said how about Iron Man and he said hell yeah... so, Iron Man it is haha.

Cymbeline Games can supply a large range of games and hobby supplies, and Tom is more than willing to put in the legwork to source stuff from "outside the box", and can often get Mantic stuff ahead of time... My son jacob recieved his warpath several weeks early as Tom told Ronnie it was for his birthday!

I will also be painting up his demo set of Dread Ball teams, and will be posting up early pics and a good review of this awesome game in due course.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Viva La Resistance!

As a side project, i started painting the Vinter Raelthorne model that my son jacob got me for xmas last year... and it got me thinking about starting a new army!

Now, i really like the Ashlynn D'elyse rules and the Highborn Covenant fluff but cant stand the current model, and the new sculpt isnt on its way any time soon... then it clicked and Vinter would become my Warcaster haha!

Enter Jean-Pierre Vintes

And his trusty Mule Warjacks!
I have lists worked out upto 50pts, including fielding Galleon when its released!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Dice say noooooooo!

Played a blood bowl game last night against my mate Pauls chaos team in our bunker league... and as you can guess by the title it didnt go well!

Lost 3-0, got battered about the pitch, the dice were fighting me from before the kick off :-D

Blood Bowl she is a fickle mistress, when the dice say no... the say NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!