
Saturday 13 October 2012

Bunkerbowl Day 1

Day 1 is over... and im doing alright!

Game 1: 3-0 win vs Undead

First game against my mate H-Bomb and his Undead, i had the run of the dice in this game battered a few players off the pitch and my boys romped ahead in the first half, then consolidated in the second. All in all a comfortable win that put me on table 1!

Game 2: 1-1 draw vs Chaos Pact

Top table meant top opposition in the form of Besters! He won the Bunker Bowl 2yrs a go so i has well happy with the draw, a very tough game that i could have won with a little more luck :-D

Game 3: 1-1 draw vs Underworld

Another game against a fellow bunkerite in the form of my good mate Paul. Paul is a great player no matter what team he uses so i knew i was in for another toughy! A third kickass game in a row, i needed an equaliser on the 16th turn  to keep me in a good position at the close of play!

More tomorrow....

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