
Sunday 14 October 2012

Bunkerbowl Day 2

Game 4: 3-1 loss vs Lizardmen

I was feeling confident as the day started, but i was draw to face Tom Pugh and his mighty lizardmen team... i was doing ok till he had an epic turn of destiny and he killed 3 of my guys and knocked out another!!!!! It was an uphill struggle from then on and couldnt keep them out :-(

Game 5: 1-1 Draw vs Necromantics

This was a great fun game, lots of end to end stuff and a lot of knocked out zombies! I had the numbers and was able to grind out the draw and go up the rankings.

Game 6: 1-0 Win vs Orcs

Last game of the tourney was against Luke, one of my best mates, and a good coach. I ground out a turn 6 TD then basically held on wth tight defence for the next 10 so i could sneak the 1-0 ftw!

I only had a few secs to check the results before having to shoot home but i think i came 13th out  of 26th, with 2/3/1 so im happy with that for a wkends work hehe

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