Yesterday was the Tor Gaming Expo at Tabletop Nation, and many eager gamers turned up bright and early for opening and setting up. The tables were all laid out and Gav setup the studio minis and trophies for display:
Game 1 was against Kasper, a nice Danish champ using Britanans. Kasper had played about as many as i had so we made the best of it and muddled through! I got some early kills on his marksmen and lost a couple on paenitentiam, but the game turned when he fluffed his kings anger spell and the tormentas gacked his RAG in my next activation. the rest of the game was a bit of a mopping up as my heavy guns reaped a toll on his puppets.... the game ended with one wounded CSM left!
Game 2 versus Carl and his Britanans, one central objective that we scored points for holding each turn. Like my Game against Kasper, Carl's guns were unable to get through my armoured Nuem, only a few paens fell on the approach to the objective! At dice down on turn 6, i had reduced carl's force to 3 puppets and a CSM, having had much better dice when i needed them though out the entire game!
Game 3 was the decider against Tom, one of the early play testers for the game and his Vaettir. Tom was also undefeated at this stage so it was on this game that the tourney would be decided. Luckily for me the dice gods were shining on the Nuem and the thinly armoured fairies succomed to the guns hehe. I'd managed to clear the flanks but was held in the centre grinding my 4 dedicatus against 2 vistonins, both unable to finish off the other, and on turn 6 i was able to capture tom's objectives near his back field.

After the dust had cleared, Rob worked out the final points, and it was time to present some awards! Kasper got the spoon after 3 crushing defeats but he took it with good humor and grace... Gav offered him a starter box for any other faction to help improve his luck haha. Christine rightly won best painted armies and single model, the effects on her cloaks and armour were brilliant! Second place went to Carl after he crushed Christine's Nuem for some payback, learning quickly to snipe exposed Pueri's who glue the force together!
But first place flukely went to me after three cracking games and three hard fought victories! As well as my amazing trophy plaque i picked up a Britanan starter set and im eager to build them up and expand the force to a smiliar size as my Nuem.
My trophy plaque, to take pride of place in my new display cabinet, hopefully the first of many as i will definitely be back to defend my title at future events! Many thanks to Gav from Tor Gaming, and Rob from 4tkgaming for organising an awesome days gaming, cheers gents!