Sunday, 29 September 2013

Convergence of Cyriss: Angels and Servitors

The last of Septembers Cogs are done, that just leaves the Optifex, Reductors and Reflex Servitors who will hopefully be out for the Masters at the end of October:

Attunement Servitors
Attunement Servitors
Clockwork Angels Unit E

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Darklands Updates

Two big things today:

Darklands second kickstarter went live a couple of days ago:, this is to fund the full colour hard back rulebook for the game... achieved in 55 minutes! The first round of characters and the concept artbook have already passed so its all good from now on haha

Second is the rest of my toys from the first kickstarter have arrived and I've begun the construction process hehe:

Bone Aberrant
Hedroc and Rose of KerYs
Plenty more to go, check out the kickstarter to see some of the awesome goodies coming out in the new year!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Convergence of Cyriss: Obstructors

More Cogs stuff today as one of the basic infantry units was released a few days ago, the Obstructors. This are as basic as it gets for my army, a 6pt shieldwall unit, when the better units come out these will probably not see masses of table time but for now they will be in most lists as they offer something ive not experienced with my new force so far... numbers!

More convergence stuff sits on the paint table, 3 more angels to give me the full 5 units allowed by Aurora's tier list, and 6 attunement servitors. These are the first of 4 types of spherical robots that will help buff up my forces so im glad they have come along quickly.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bloodbowl Lizardman Team Commission

Darren at the Bunker asked me to paint up his old skool metal Lizardman team for him, he wanted them in the livery of his beloved Howling Griffons red and yellow!


Star Players

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Wargods: Ice Witch

Last of the Wargods stuff I have for now:

Ice Witch - General of the Wendigo Warband
There is another Ice Witch model, only available in the Warband box, I plan on converting that to be the special character from the guide book, she rides a sled pulled by some howler doggy things!

Monday, 9 September 2013

Wargods: Rise of the Wendigo

I picked up these bad boys from Black Pyramid a little while ago and I decided to bump them up the schedule to try out a scheme for the army that will soon be arriving from Croc HQ

Wendigo Warriors

Chris has a thread on the Croc forum where regular updates on the models funded by the kickstarter campaign:
Hecate is particulary awesome! I will be adding this to my collection when she is released!
Debs has started a blog to post up her completed works of the new models, first up are the ltd ed Titan Hunter and the first Trojans:

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Convergence of Cyriss: Prime Axiom

Carrier has arrived... those immortal words from the original StarCraft game that signalled your brand spanking new Protoss carrier had been built is the most apt phrase I can use to describe how good it is to get this beast ready for war:

Prime Axiom - Colossal Vector
This bad boy gets his first run out on Tuesday against my mate Paul's Cygnar, hopefully he'll bag a couple of swan jacks in the process haha

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Nine months of Justice!

Nine months into the year and its time for a recap on the years painting progress:

Ive sold on most of my Thornfall Alliance army for hordes, i'd used them solidly for 3 years and was ready for a new challenge in the Convergence of Cyriss... there was no way I was spending £90+ on a colossal without some bonus income so the pigs had to go! Ive kept the newer style stuff I added this year with Midas's arrival so can still field a 25pts list if needed.

Ive kept the Ito up to date but not added to the Temple and Savage Wave forces, that's a job for next year in the run up to salute when a we run demos for GCT. I picked up the Silvermoon starter set the other day but that may end up coming as an xmas present from the kiddies.

I caved and added a lot of the Darklands Drunes via the kickstarter programme, this should arrive soon so that will be quite a task to get all 46 of them done but they are amazing models and i'd never afford them all at non kickstart prices :-(

All this frantic painting is to put me in the clear for the arrival of all my Wargods goodies, 72 models that will make up 2 complete 1000pt armies haha,

My paint count for the year now sits at 307, this is great progress but there are plenty more to go... its going to be an exciting close for to the year yeah!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Unleashing the Ito: Kaihime

The latest member of the Ito Clan is ready for some table time:

Kaihime Ito
Im really looking forward to using her in a game very soon, she is lethal with that bow... especially with a decent amount of poison stacked onto it from the Blessing of Orochi haha

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Convergence of Cyriss: Updates

Updates on this project, im working hard on these ahead of the Masters in October:

Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer - Warcaster
Cipher - Heavy Vector
Clockwork Angels Unit D
Diffuser - Light Vector
On the paint table still to go for these boys is the Prime Axiom.... coming soon!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Miniature Bids

Tor Gaming have launched a new website called Miniaturebids, it is a free to use auction and trading site for the buying and selling of our beloved toys!


This has come about in response to ebay declaring their intent to charge sellers a percentage of their postage fees... I can see why they are doing this to stop people charge either exorbitant postage for profits, or to get round paying ebay fees and charging say 0.99p+£50 postage for an item.

This does however hit honest sellers like myself in the pocket, and full time retailers will lose out big time over this. Tor's initiative is a great step but it needs our help to become widely used so spread the word on this!

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