Started on Sunday... finished on Thursday haha
At the games day on Saturday just five of them performed ok, i'm looking forward to running all ten or as Chosen for vastly improved killing power!
Started on Sunday... finished on Thursday haha
At the games day on Saturday just five of them performed ok, i'm looking forward to running all ten or as Chosen for vastly improved killing power!
My little armoured car turned up yesterday and was quick build and paint hehe, took longer for the basing mud to dry than do the rest!
Proper hilariously pokey but with two LMGs and recce it should be decent enough on the board.
I've finished the front rank of my Chaos Knight unit ahead of a doubles tourney on Saturday:
They took most of yesterday to get done so it made more sense to concentrate on five that only part complete the full ten... weekday painting time is limited at best!
In talking with some mates at the club I've decided to get back into Bolt Action again, this time with the mighty Slovakian army from the recent Case Blue book haha.
I much prefer using smaller factions when available as my Pokemon nature of getting a whole faction wont cost the Earth!
First of my models to arrive was this Panzer 35T, known in Slovakia as an LT vz.35/38 hehe, and i managed to score the last set of transfers i could find in the UK. More troops are on the way including an Armoured Car and shed load of infantry!
Another unit completed for my Warriors of Chaos Project:
Additional chaff / charge blockers and redirectors is always handy, and the speed is superb compared to the sluggish infantry in the faction.
Work and family commitments since coming back from holiday have really hampered the brush time again but I've finally got this big lad painted:
Absolutely love this model and cant wait to give it a run out on the board! I don't think ill be running him as the Bergont Raegh but as a standard Ironclad which should be hitty enough haha.