Yeah im crap at sticking to my plans haha, i've sold and traded in a few bits so have decided to have another go at a Flesheater Courts army, starting with this unit of Crypt Horrors:
Quite a different scheme from my last go, these are based off how i painted those Blackstone Fortress Ur Ghul last year. I was a big fan of the scheme and was looking for another project to do using it and these were a natural fit.
I'm basing my force around the contents of three start collecting boxes for speed and cost, but you can make a surprisingly effective army out of them:
1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon w/Majestic Horror trait 440pts
1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist w/The Grim Garland artifact 400pts
1 Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist 400pts
1 Crypt Haunter Courtier 140pts
10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts
10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts
10 Crypt Ghouls 100pts
6 Crypt Horrors 320pts
To this i will then add a pool of models to summon in using the Ghoul Kings command abilities:
1 Varghulf Courtier
1 Crypt Infernal Courtier
3 Crypt Flayers
3 Crypt Flayers
This can potentially put another 620pts worth of models into play hehe